Opinion: The War of 1812 is the Second American Revelution

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I believe that the War of 1812 is the Second American Revelution.

One of the reasons of why I believe that the War of 1812 is the Second American Revelution is because of Taxation. In the years before the War of 1812, Britian announced a blockade of all of all neutral countries coming to France and ordered all merchant ships going to France, to be redirected to Britian to get taxed, then go arrive to France. One of the causes of American resentment against Britian which led to the American Revelution is taxation. After the sevens year war, Britian was broke and started taxing the 13 colonies for products like tea and sugar that was imported to Britian. This two causes of both wars are very similar.

Another reason of why I believe that the war of 1812 is the Second American revelution is because both wars were mostly fought in North America. However, in the American Revelution, it was the British invading trying to invade the US. In the War of 1812, The United States did most of the invading (and failed).

One of the reasons of why I think that the War of 1812 should be considered the Second American Revolutionary War is because of unfair treatment. One of the causes of the American Revelution is that the 13 colonies were being treated unfairly by misrepresentation in the British Parliament and huge taxes for products imported from Britian. If you align these causes with the War of 1812 causes, you will see that they align. Before the War of 1812, Britian started taxing neutral countries in the Napoleonic Wars who traded with France. One of those countries were the United Sates who stayed neutral in those wars. In both wars, the United Sates was being treated unfairly by Britian which led towards war.

Both War are vary similar and different. In both wars, the United States declared war and therefore started the wars. In the Revelutionary War, the United States declared War because they wanted independence from Britian and in the War of 1812, Congress declared War because Britian was blockading the US from France to try to stop trade during the Napoleonic Wars.

In the American Revelution, The Americans won earning themselves independence and establishing the United States of America. In the War of 1812, it was a stalemate. No nation won. The War of 1812 did somewhat dictate that Canada would not be apart of the US. The "American Philosophy" at the time was that the United States would be one country occupying all of North America. The War of 1812 squashed those dreams as they discovered that invading would be harder than thought. The Americans tried to invade Canada 3 times during the War of 1812 and failed embarrassingly. However, both wars did not lead to anything significant to Canadian, British or American History.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Jetha, Kaylum. "Opinion: The War of 1812 is the Second American Revelution". CanadianHistory, 3/25/2021, https://www.canadian-history.ca/articles/opinion-the-war-of-1812-is-the-second-american-revelution

American Psychological Association (APA)

Jetha. Kaylum, 3/25/2021, "Opinion: The War of 1812 is the Second American Revelution", CanadianHistory, https://www.canadian-history.ca/articles/opinion-the-war-of-1812-is-the-second-american-revelution