Canada, officially the Dominion of Canada, is a federal state and country in the northern part of North America. It is comprised of 10 provinces and 3 territories. The provinces are Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Colombia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta. The territories are Nunavut, Northwest Territories and the Yukon.


National Anthem with singing


National Anthem instrumental


Canada, officially the Dominion of Canada, is a federal state and country in the northern part of North America. It is comprised of 10 provinces and 3 territories. The provinces are Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, British Colombia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta. The territories are Nunavut, Northwest Territories and the Yukon. The biggest city in Canada is Toronto and is also the capital of the province of Ontario. The capital of Canada is Ottawa which lies in Ontario.

Thousands of years before the Vikings and eventually the Europeans some time later, Indigenous people lived on the land. European settlers quickly swept in a occupied many of the territories that still exist today. The Sevens Years War and The War of Spanish Succession saw France slowly losing land in the North American lands and eventually lost New France which is their only colony in North America in the Treaty of Paris which ended the Seven Year's War. After the colonization era, Britian had most of the land in North American with its top competitor being the United States of America who gained freedom in the American Revelutionary War and the Demarcation of Independence. Later the British colonies of Lower Canada, Upper Canada, New Caledonia (British Colombia), the Atlantic Colonies including Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and more were formed. Rupert's Land and the North-West Territories were British land but governed and owned by the Hudson's Bay Company for the fur trading business. After the British North America Act and the Confederation of BNA, Canada was founded into the Dominion of Canada on terms that the government recognizes the crown as the leading monarch and head of state in the new country.


National Anthem with singing



National Anthem instrumental


Motto: A mari usque ad mare (Latin)

From Sea to Sea (English)


Canadian Royal Anthem - God Save the Queen.mp3

Canadian Royal Anthem

National Flag of Canada

Royal Arms of Canada. Official- Arms of her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada

Canada is a parliamentary democracy which means that citizens can vote in federal and provincial elections. However, there is no president since it is also a constitutional monarchy which mean that the Queen of Canada (Queen Elizabeth II) runs as the head of state. The prime minister runs as the head of the executive branch of the government. The Canadian Federal Governemnt has three branches which run the government. The Legislative branch forms as the Canadian Parliament. The Canadian Parliament contains two chambers; the Lower Chamber which is the House of Commons and the Upper Chamber of the Canadian Senate. The Legislative Branch makes laws. The executive branch on the other hand implements and enforces laws. It is made of the Monarch of Canada which is represented by the Governor General of Canada, the Prime Minister of Canada and the Cabinet. The Last Branch of the Government is the Judicial Branch. That is made up of the Supreme Court of Canada and the other federal and provincial courts. They interpret the laws and judge them in the court.

Canada is a very highly developed country. It is rank seventeenth-highest nominal per-capita income internationally and the sixteenth-highest ranking in the Human Development Index. It is the tenth-largest econmy in the world largely depending on its rich natural recourses like coal, oil and agricultural crops. Canada is part of the United Nations, NATO, G7, the Group of Ten, the G20, the Unite States-Mexico-Canada free trade agreement, the Commonwealth of Nations, the Organization international de la Francophone, the Asia-Pacific Cooperation forum, and the Organization of American States.

  • Capital: Ottawa

  • Largest City: Toronto

  • Official Languages: English and French

  • Independence: Confederation- June 1, 1867

  • Area: 9,984670 km2

  • Population:

    • Q1 2021 estimate: 38, 048, 738

    • 2016 census: 35, 151, 728

  • Currency: Canadian Dollars ($)

  • Driving Side: Right

  • Date Format (yyyy-mm-dd)

  • Calling Code: +1

  • Internet TLD: (.ca)