The War of the Spanish Succession

The War of Spanish Succession (1).mp4

The war of Spanish Succession was a war between

The war lasted from July 1701 to September 1714. It started after the death of Charles II of Spain. He did not have a child so at the time, there was no heir to the throne. There was no king or queen so Spain did something unprecedented and the time. They invited Philip V, a French prince, to be king of Spain. That would combine the two huge empires of Spain and France. Most of Europe did not like this so they started the War of Spanish Succession.

The aftermath of the war was the Treaty of Utrecht. Some important parts of the treaty dictated that France and Spain cannot have two of the same rulers at the same time. France lost land in the Caribbean, North America and a city in Europe plus Britian got exclusive rights to import slaves to North America while France and Spain could not.

Learn more about the effects of the treaty here and here.

Ogilvy, James A.. "War of the Spanish Succession". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 21 September 2017, Historica Canada. Accessed 10 March 2021.


Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "War of the Spanish Succession". Encyclopedia Britannica, 26 Feb. 2021, Accessed 10 March 2021.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Jetha, Kaylum. "The War of the Spanish Succession". CanadianHistory, 2/25/2021,

American Psychological Association (APA)

Jetha. Kaylum, 2/25/2021, "The War of Spanish Succession", CanadianHistory,