The war of Spanish Succession was a very big and impactful war in North American colonies from Britian, France and Spain and to Europe. It ended in treaty of Utrecht. But what was the ultimate impact of the treaty of Utrecht and the end of the war of Spanish Succession.

I think the most significant consequence could depends on who's point of view you are looking through.

For the Acadians, they did not have that bad consequences has other people in the treaty but it had a big impact on the community. They immediately got British citizenships even if they did not want it. Their population grew by more than 75%. They also had an offer to immigrate to Cape Breton but they denied. I Don’t think that this was the most consequential impact in this treaty but it did pose a small impact.

For the French, the land that the British gained was the most significant impact. The French wanted to colonize all of North America and they lost a lot of New France to Britain including land disputes on Rupert's Land and Hudson Bay. You can see this on the before and after maps of North America.

Another very significant impact to France but not as bad as the previous one is that Britain got exclusive access to import Slaves to North America for many years after and France was not allowed. This could damage their progress to colonize North America because now they would have to pay workers to make cities and houses.

The whole war started because Great Britain and other European countries did not want a French prince to take control of the Spanish Throne. That would mean that the kingdoms of Spain and France would combine since they had the same royal family and would throw off the balance of power throughout Europe. In the treaty, the new Spanish King / French Prince got kicked out which was a very big impact to French. This would also pose an impact to Spain.

For Britain, this treaty did not act as a consequence for them because they were the clear winners of the treaty. They got land in the Caribbean, North America and a city in Europe plus they got exclusive rights to import slaves to North America while France and Spain could not.

For the view of the First Nations, It posed as consequences and as good thing. In section 1.19 of the Treaty it reads, " The subjects of France inhabiting Canada and others, shall hereafter give no hinderance or molestation to the Indians (First Nations)" . This means that any "subject" of France living in Canada cannot bother or hurt and First Nations. This was bad for France because they are having many wars with the First Nations because of land disputes and Britain is giving the First Nation protection and starting a friendship with these two groups. One very bad impact towards the First Nations is that the treaty was excluded from them and they did not have a say with the treaty or land borders. The Europeans continued to steal their land with these treaties and this was a very consequential impact towards the First Nations.

In conclusion, I think the most consequential impact was that Britian got many land in this treaty and here is my reasoning. Britain recived St. Kitts after the treaty where they imported slaves and grew sugar cane. They also got Hudson Bay where they killed beavers and took their skin and sold it for very high prices in European Markets. They also recived Newfound land in the treaty which was on the coast which gave the British Navy a Potential advantage because it was close to the French controlled St. Lawrence river which was perfect for trading across multiple cities. Newfound land would also help for trade because the coast would allow them to trade to other countries by boat much easier than before. Britian also recived Gibraltar which is a small city on a peninsula off the coast of Spain. This would help trade with Spain because of the very short border. Finally they got Acadia (Now Nova Scotia) which helped them get crops from the many big farms. All of these things gave Great Britian tons of money and resources that can help them in the future for colonization and war. At the end, Britian got a huge amount of land which gave them more money and lots of other European powers lost money.

Sutherland, Stuart R.J.. "Treaty of Utrecht". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 19 June 2015, Historica Canada. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/treaty-of-utrecht. Accessed 10 March 2021.


Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Treaties of Utrecht". Encyclopedia Britannica, 4 Apr. 2020, https://www.britannica.com/topic/treaties-of-Utrecht. Accessed 10 March 2021.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Jetha, Kaylum. "What is the most Consequential impact of The Treaty of Utrecht". CanadianHistory, 2/25/2021, https://www.canadian-history.ca/articles/opinion-what-is-the-most-consequential-impact-of-the-treaty-of-utrecht

American Psychological Association (APA)

Jetha. Kaylum, 2/25/2021, "What is the most Consequential impact of The Treaty of Utrecht", CanadianHistory, https://www.canadian-history.ca/articles/opinion-what-is-the-most-consequential-impact-of-the-treaty-of-utrecht