The battle that changed the war

Throughout the start of the war, it was a stalemate for a long time. American troopers tried for an invasion but failed 3 times. The British were firmly on the defensive during the war making it harder to depict a winner. We have found that the Battle of Lundy's land and the siege of Fort Erin was the turning point of the war.

On July 25,1814, the Battle of Lundy's land began. It was at night and when the America's started the fight, both sides accidentally killed some of their own men since it was very dark. The Americans retreated towards Fort Erie. The British started their attack on the fort later in the next month on August 13, 1814. The British plan was to lay siege on the fort, forcing the Americans to leave. Many First Nations groups tried but failed to fight the American's so they retreated and left. The Americans then decided to abandon the fort and decided to burn it down so it was no use to the British. Both American and British retreated and there was no clear winner of the battles. The Americans claim victory over the siege of Fort Erie while the British claim victory over The Battle of Lundy's Lane. This was a turning point since it was the first battle where there was no clear winner and started the peace treaties after the battle.

"Treaty of Ghent". History. A&E Television Network. . November 9, 2019


Ridler, Jason. "Treaty of Ghent". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 20 December 2017, Historica Canada. Accessed 10 March 2021.


Heidler, David S. and Heidler, Jeanne T.. "War of 1812". Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 Sep. 2020, Accessed 10 March 2021.


Marsh, James H. and Pierre Berton. "War of 1812". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 31 October 2018, Historica Canada. Accessed 10 March 2021.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Jetha, Kaylum. "The Battle that changed the course of the War of 1812". CanadianHistory, 2/25/2021,

American Psychological Association (APA)

Jetha. Kaylum, 2/25/2021, "The Battle that changed the course of the War of 1812", CanadianHistory,