The war of 1812 was a war between America and their allies against the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland and Spain. During the revolutionary war, France was America's biggest ally. Britian and France were not in good term at the time because of the seven years war so they were not happy when France aided the 13 colonies during the war. Next, the Napoleonic Wars War erupted in France during their civil war and Britian saw this as a chance to weaken them. Britian set up blockades around France with their powerful navy to stop trade between America and France. America got mad and that is one of the reason why congress on June of 1812 declare war on Britian.

The war of 1812 was a military conflict that lasted to 3 years exactly from June 18, 1812 to Feb 18, 1815. The war took place mostly in North America with some navy sea wars in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Almost all First Nations groups sided with the British because generally, The Americans were more harsh and unwelcoming after the American revelution. The American killed almost 60% of First Nation communities and stole many lands that belonged to First Nations while British mod towards them changed and even offered to give some land back. Here are the forces of the war.

At the start of the war, both countries did not give many troops or resources only giving 7,000 troops form the US and 5,200 troops from the UK. At the end the war, The US had 35,800 troops and 48,160 troops from the UK. Here is a graph to give more info.

Although the British had the largest navy at the time, they didn't not invest in the war as much as the US with numbers of ships at 541 ships. The British did have the highest numbers with allies.

At the start of the War of 1812, the United Kingdom was already heavily involved in the Napoleonic Wars. Napoleon Bonaparte was a military leader and started a coup and took control of France. He started a series of Wars called the Napoleonic Wars which the United Kingdom was heavily involved in. With the UK focused on the wars in Europe, the United States saw an opportunity to attack Britian by invading Canada. Canada was at the time just Lower and Upper Canada. It was a British Colony so American leaders saw an opportunity to damage Britian my invading them. This way, they did not have to travel across the sea to get to Britian. This way was much easier. If they traveled by see, the Royal Navy was far superior than the American Navy at the time. They thought that if they traveled across the Atlantic Ocean, they would be defeated. So the invasion of Canada began.

Here is a timeline for the war.

"Treaty of Ghent". History. A&E Television Network. . November 9, 2019


Ridler, Jason. "Treaty of Ghent". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 20 December 2017, Historica Canada. Accessed 10 March 2021.


Heidler, David S. and Heidler, Jeanne T.. "War of 1812". Encyclopedia Britannica, 10 Sep. 2020, Accessed 10 March 2021.


Marsh, James H. and Pierre Berton. "War of 1812". The Canadian Encyclopedia, 31 October 2018, Historica Canada. Accessed 10 March 2021.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Jetha, Kaylum. "The War of 1812". CanadianHistory , 2/25/2021,

American Psychological Association (APA)

Jetha. Kaylum, 2/25/2021, "The War of 1812", CanadianHistory,